博士后国际交流计划(派出项目)结题表 The Final Report of the Post-doctoral International Exchange Program


The Final Report of the Post-doctoral International Exchange Program


The post-doctoral, who was funded by the international exchange program, must fill out "the final report of the post-doctoral international exchange program ", and submit it to the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation or graded management provinces for the record.




项目名称Project Title:

合作导师姓名Name of Co Supervisor :

外方单位Institution in Foreign :

研究时间Commencement Date :


Part II: Research (please follow the items below and use Times new Roman, 12 font size)

II (a).研究的目的和目标。Research aims and objectives (limited to 200 words):

II (b).重大的发现和研究成果。Significant findings and research outcomes (limited to two text pages and one extra page for figures and tables):

II (c).  研究项目未来发展的空间Potential for further development of the research and the proposed course of action (limited to 200 words):

II (d).  用中、英文描述研究成果的重要意义。The Layman's Summary to describe the nature, significance and value of the research work in both English and Chinese (Limited to 200 words each):

II (e).研究成果(包括公布、接受和提交的论文,会议报告,专利等。请提供详细出版日期和摘要)。

Research output (include published, accepted and submitted papers, conference presentation, patents, etc. Please provide dates of publication and attach abstracts) :

  1. 论文Publication:

  2. 会议报告Conference presentation:

  3. 专利Patents:

  4. 其他Others:

签字:                                            日期:

Signature :_______________________________ Date : __________________________


Part III: COMMENTS FROM THE SUPERVISOR (please follow the items below and use Times new Roman, 12 font size)

III (a)   博士后期间的表现。The performance of the Post-Doctoral during the 2-year training:

III (b)   博士后结题报告。The final report submitted by the Post-Doctoral:

III (c)  博士后的研究水平及成果。The achievement and academic standing of the Post-Doctoral:

III (d)   与博士后或他(她)的团队未来的研究计划。Plan for future collaboration with the Post-Doctoral or his/her team:

签字:                                           日期:

Signature :_______________________________ Date : __________________________

